High Gear, Page 16

Gay Press Network Formed

A computerized nationwide news and information network proposed by the gay Press Association could be operational by the end of the year, according to a recent announcement by Joseph DiSabato, president of the Gay Press Association Board of Directors.

Meeting in Chicago over the weekend of August 1 and 2, the 11 member board began implementing plans to secure basic funds for the proposed information system, increase the organization's membership, and attend to the administra-. tive matters. The group was founded in New York last January.

According to Morgan Pinney, the group's treasurer, and coordinator of the Computer Network Project, as many as 22 publications from around the United States could initially participate in the information network. A survey of the nation's publications directed towards the gay and lesbian audience reveals that a number of publications are already using computers in their operations.

With the addition of special equipment, these publications can be prepared to receive and transmit news stories through the network's central computer very soon. Many other publications have considered the introduction of computers and are now seriously considering the group-leasing proposal advanced by the group according to Pinney.

Using Radio Shack's TRS-80 Model Ill as a foundation, the proposed host computer system will allow for the daily transmission of news stories from one part of the country to another. Writers from each member publication will key stories into their own computer keyboard and send them to the central computer via a special telephone hook-up.

The same day, an editor in distant city and retrieve the story from the

central computer for immediate publication. Thus, the host computer allows for the instantaneous transmission of important news items.

"Let's face it," said DiSabato, "the better informed we are, the more cohesive we will become as a movement. Right now by the time a gay news event in one part of the country reaches another part, the information is often a month old, sometimes more. Meanwhile, right-wing groups such as the Moral Majority are already using computers, satellites and television broadcasting to braodcast their messages."

Pinney said that the host computer could be purchased and made operational with an initial investment of approximately $15,000.

"While this is certainly a 'bare bones' budget," Penney explained, "it nonetheless represents a realistic and attainable figure. From this beginning, our operation can expand based on the proven usefulness of the equipment."

DiSabato said that he had secured an agreement with author Vito Russo to appear at New York's Beacon Theatre with his lecture and film presentation, "The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Cinema." With a potential profit of $15,000 from the venture, the board moved to devote all proceeds from the event to the purchase of the equipment.

The Membership Committee offers three classes of membership to qualified publications and those who work for them, as well as to gay men and lesbians who are employed by the non-gay media.

Institutional memberships are granted to newspapers and magazines or other media which primarily serve a gay audience.

People who work for these qualified media may join the association as Individual Members for $25, while organizational newsletters

The Board of Directors of the Gay Press Association at a dinner meeting at My Brothers Place, in Chicago. Pictured (1-r) are Mike Rutherford, Pat Burke, Mark Segal, Morgan Penney, Phil Nash, Richard Rogers Joseph Di Sabato, and Chuck Refslow. (Photo: Joe Skylas/Chicago Revisiow! Skylas/Chicago GayLife)

and other gay and lesbian movement communications may join as Affiliate Members for $25.

Beginning this September, directors representing four geographical regions of the United States will personally contact key individuals from nearly 100 newspapers and magazines throughout the nation. Lists of publishers, editors, writers, artists, photographers and business managers who work for the gay press will be drawn up. Each person will be individually contacted in an effort to encourage him or her to join the GPA.

"Personal contact will be crucial to the overall success of this campaign," Rutherford commented.

Addressing the issue of long-term funding for the organization, director Chuck Renslow, publisher of Chicago's Gay Life proposed that GPA sponsor a gay awards program in March, 1982, featuring leading entertainers and special awards

categories that will draw attention from the national gay and lesbian community. Such a program could bring in a substantial annual income for the organization. Renslow commented.

The May, 1982 Annual Convention of the Gay Press Association in Denver was discussed by the board at some length. Recognizing the ongoing need for educational programs to elevate the professionalism of workers in the gay media, the board unanimously agreed that workshops on a variety of media skills will be strongly emphasized in the agenda of the convention.

For information about membership in the Gay Press Association, or to receive a complimentary copy of its bi-monthly newsletter detailing all its activities individuals may writer to the GPA at P.O. Box A Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011.

GRA Seeks Legal Director

Gay Rights Advocates is conducting a nationwide search for a Legal Director to coordinate and direct precedent setting court cases which impact on the gay and lesbian community.

Founded in January 1978. GRA is a San Francisco based public interest law firm which has been involved directly with cases involving employment discrimination. military discharges, immigration challenges and parental rights all across the country.

Among other cases. GRA is presently involved in the continuing Carl Hill case, challenging the right of INS to exclude gay foreign visitors and Dronenburg v. Zech, a case involving Jim Dronenburg, a highly

skilled Naval Petty Officer, who is contesting his discharge from the Navy because of his sexual identity.

The Legal Director will also be responsible for GRA's continuing program of educating lawyers and judges in cases where homosexuality is an issue and providing input to the establishment of a national litigation strategy. The position requires litigation experience and will include some travel and a willingness to relocate to the West Coast. The salary is $30.000 per year plus benefits. All interested candidates should submit their resume to: Search Committee, GRA, 540 Castro Street. San Francisco, CA. 94114 by September 23, 1981.

National Real Estate Referral Service Announced

from the gay realtor.

Gays are traditionally even more mobile than the already mobile society in general and can find in Realty Referrals a valuable aid in relocating across town or across the

Realty Referrals is a nationwide network of nearly 200 gay and gaysupportive realtors, developed to assist gay clients who wish to buy or sell real estate throughout the USA. Its primary goal is to assure gays of competent, courteous and under-country. The entire service is free, standing treatment so they may be comfortably open and honest about their real estate needs and lifestyles. Member realtors are able to give legal and financial information to meet the specific needs of gay property owners and avoid possible future problems which the client may not have even considered.

Clients are also able to gain valuable assistance and advice about the local gay community and organization

and a collect call will not only help the client receive quality service, "keep the business in the family" by supporting gay brothers and sisters in real estate, but will also support what is probably the only nationwide gay business network. Anyone wishing to buy or sell real estate in the USA should call Realty Referrals collect 503-239-5051. No rem talpinasgo sd bad oels (.19d driw